
How long will my baby need meds?

Good day. I’m a mother of 4 and recently found out that I’m HIV positive.

My baby is a year old and has been breastfeeding normally without any risk until recently when I tested positive. He was immediately put on nevarapine and Zidovudine syrup and he keeps vomiting as soon as he ingests it.

How long will this medication have a bad effect on him?


Hi there

Congratulations on your new baby and hope everything else is going well.

Please can you spek to your doctor or clinic about yout baby’s meds.

This is because we don;t know about your baby’s history and health and becasue different countries use different combinations for different times.

It also depends about your own hisotry when the babay was born.

For example, this factsheet shos how it can be complicated.


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