Q and A


Will I get the same HIV test if I go to my GP?

My GUM clinic only opens Monday to Thursday. I work 7-6 so it’s very hard for me to get an appointment. I want a HIV test done and would like to go to my GP. I know the test results are kept on file and that does not bother me although I wanted to know how do I know what generation of testing they are using. Does it go to my local hospital where I know they use 4th generation testing?

Or what questions can I ask my GP as I don’t want him thinking I’m weird or anything.


Thank you for your question.

Your GP will probably send the sample to the nearest laboratory which will possibly be in your local general hospital. It might be worth checking with your GP first if you want to know which test they have access to.

You have every right to ask your GP to give you information about anything related to HIV and HIV testing. A good GP welcomes questions and is supposed to actively empower their patients to make informed decisions. You could ask the doctor about which HIV tests they offer, whether it is third or fourth generation testing.

Fourth generation testing looks for antibodies (the body’s immune response to HIV infection) as well as antigens (proteins found on the virus itself). Third generation tests look only for antibodies which is why it sometimes takes longer for the results to be accurate.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    3rd generation tests are accurate 6-12 weeks after an exposure so 8 weeks would be conclusive. To air on the side of caution some clinics still say 3 months.

  2. Charlotte Walker

    Anytime after 16 days should give you an accurate result. If you are really worried then maybe another test at 28 days will be reassuring.

  3. adam

    Thanks for the advice – although my GP is not very nice and just suggests that i go to the GUM clinic all the time. I will try and arrange to see another DR and see what they say – thats if they know what they are talking about : )

    Although having a conversation with the nurse she said 3 months thats it.

    Is it true that even with the 3rd generation a test at 8 weeks would be conclusive?

  4. claire

    Hi charlotte,

    thanks for the email.

    Ok, i wanted to ask you say the test is accurate 2-3 weeks after exposure so can i have a test 15 days and give me an accurate result? or not. Or would you class that too soon.