Q and A


Are my symptoms a sign of seroconversion?

Firstly I would like to thank you for the good work you are doing here, it is really of great help to us.

I would like to know if seroconversion symptoms necessarily appear at the same time or can there be some delay between them? I had a recent exposure and about 20 days later I developed a fever with no other symptoms. I was really worried about it and started to do some research on HIV. I went twice to the doctor and he told me it was probably just an infection. Then about two weeks I started experiencing an itchy sensation on my skin, I thought it was dry skin that caused that. The itching was just on my arms and legs. Then one week after that the itching went away and I started experiencing signs of fatigue which lasted about one week and went away and during the same time I developed a sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. The sore throat has lasted about a couple of weeks. I am very stressed about all these and really could do with some advice.

I am going for a test next week and I would like to know if these could be signs of seroconversion.. Thank you very much for your help.


Thank you for your question.

You are doing the right thing by going for a test. You cannot know you have HIV unless you do a test. Some people have seroconversion symptoms and some don’t. They usually appear 2-3 weeks after exposure.

For more information about seroconversion please follow this link.