Q and A


I am really angry with the NHS treatment I received…

I’m very angry at some NHS hospitals and the way they treat people. I called up to ask if they do the DUO test and they said yes.

I can relate to another question here as well.

I went to get my blood tested just as I split from my boyfriend. The doctor sits there and says you are still in the window period and to come back in 2 months I said to her ‘you use the 4th generation tests what’s the point in that?’ and I got a very clueless look.

I wish especially living in the UK we could have more GPs that actually know what they are doing instead of wanting to run off home at 4pm.

Sorry – for the outburst but wanted to say I support you and wish you luck whilst trying to tackle these issues with certain clinics.

Great work guys and keep it up.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am sorry to hear that your GP was so unhelpful. Unfortunately it is becoming more apparent that many GPs and GUM clinics are not aware that the fourth generation tests are 28 day tests.

It would be useful to know which clinic you got this information or which area in the UK you live in so that we can track any trends that are appearing.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    Thank you for your response. We will be following this up.

  2. amanda

    Hi this was done at birmingham Whittal street clinic. The GP did not even know what test was used! : )