Q and A


Why do private clinics disagree that testing at 3-4 weeks is ok?

A private clinic on the internet say that a HIV test is relieble 28 days after a possible exposure. A test done before then is usless unless its the multiplex HIV test, however you say that 3-4 is ok. Why do they say this?

They also say they have seen a test change at 21 days plus.


Thank you for your question.

I do not know why they say this at the private clinic. The p24 antigen can be detected in most people after about 3 weeks but this is not good enough to rule out infection.

All tests can pick up infections earlier. Positive results are easy. You need to know that the test is not giving you a negative result when you may be HIV positive.

If you are really worried then take a test at 28 days which will pick up 95% of infections and confirm this with a second test after 90 days.

Private clinics are good at offering all sorts of tests but they should not be telling you that these early result are conclusive because they are not.