Q and A


Do I need another HIV test?

I have taken a p24 antigen test and a PCR viral load test. Both are negative after 30 days. I also took a ELFA rapid test after 81 days and this was also negative. Will I need to retest again? Please reply.


Thank you for your question. If you have had three negative tests then it is very unlikely that you have HIV.

Technically, UK guidelines state that the confirmatory test should be at 90 days.

For more information about HIV tests please follow this link


  1. Charlotte Walker

    ECLIA and ELISA are tests that work in similar ways but display their results slightly differently e.g. the ECLIA test uses luminescence (light) whilst the ELISA doesn’t. There is no difference in accuracy.

    When you get your results you should ask your testing centre to explain what these numbers mean.

    It is to do with the level of reactivity with the test. In general, anything from 0.9 to 1.0 means positive and a re-test to confirm is required. If your numbers were 0.385 and 0.275 then your results are negative. The different numbers do not relate to your risk of HIV.

  2. adel

    Please I just want to ask, my test was by ECLIA not ELISA. Is it still accurate and what is the different between both tests? Which one is more accurate or are they the same? Another question – my first test was a p24 antigen test at 30 days the result was 0.385. The second test at 80 days was 0.275, what is the reason of the variation between the two results, is it normal or it is an indicator for something? Thank you very much for your time Charlotte Walker

  3. Charlotte Walker

    See the answer above about the guidelines stating 90 days.

  4. adel

    I have taken a p24 antigen and antibody 1 and 2 test. Both are negative after 30 days. I also took antibody 1 and 2 and p24 antigen test after 80 days and this was also negative. Will I need to retest again? Please reply.