Q and A


What if I am in the 5% of people who don't get an accurate fourth generation test

I have just looked at your chart for the diffrent testing. I had a 4th generation test – do I need to re test after 13 weeks then? Just in case I’m in the 5% that it does not show up on? I am really worried now I was happy with my results but I am freaked out yet again. If I tested again at 6 weeks would this completly rule it out or should I not bother?


Thank you for your question.

There is nothing to worry about. If you have had a negative HIV test at least 12 weeks after the exposure, then you do not have HIV.

If you are really stressed out then you could have another test, but UK guidelines (BASHH) do not say this is necessary.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. ddddm

    i had risky uprotected sex 14 /2/2017,,,,,i tested negative 35 day later using determine…..could this be conclusive?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    That’s what my answer says!

  4. chantelle

    Okay, sorry thats what I mean’t!! What I am trying to say is that even at 4 weeks is it accurate and if I am still worried then I should do a 6 week one as well?

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Yes, you should listen to your doctors. They are correct in saying your test is conclusive.

  6. mc

    Well I had a test on the NHS and it was about 20 weeks after exposure and they told me it was conclusive. My doctors – should I just listen to them?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    3 month ELISA test is accurate. If you are really worried have another test to get a 100% accurate result. That way it will put your mind at ease and you can stop worrying!

  8. mc

    I was wondering the same what would impact 5% of people that dont pick up the test. Would 3 months with a 3rd generation ELISA be accurate?

  9. Charlotte Walker

    I don’t quite understand what you mean by ‘who would be affected by the results’. Do you mean who is more likely to be in the 5% of people that the test doesn’t pick up? If so then it could be anyone. If someone is really ill or on chemotherapy then they may not generate an immune response quickly but the viral antigen would still be picked up so they would still test positive.

  10. chantelle

    So can I just confirm a 28 day test is conclusive but if another one was done at 6 weeks thats just for my own piece of mind.

    Can I ask who would be affected by the results I heard it was people on chemotherapy or really ill people?