Q and A


Is a test after 6 months conclusive?

Due to concern with regards to HIV and HCV infection, if a person tested negative for HIV and HCV antibodies after 6 months from exposure, would it be conclusive that he/she would not be one of those rare cases of late seroconversion?


Following the official guidelines-yes, the person is negative.

There are reported cases that one can count on the fingers of 2 hands when people developed HIV antibodies after a 6 months’ period. You could compare that with the billions of tests that have been performed so far all around the world and see for yourself how insignificant the probability is.

We advise people with active sexual life to get tested regularly-say every 6 months. Thus, any chance of a situation described above will be excluded as well.

If you continue to worry about this despite negative results, perhaps seek referral to a counsellor.