Q and A


Is it possible to have infected someone?


Hi. Last year in June I had unprotected sex. Two months later, the girl tested positive after several tests. I didn’t go for testing because I was terrified. This year 24 Nov 2010 I went for testing using the Elisa Abbott 4th generation test and the results are non-reactive or negative. My question is, should I trust this result or do I have to take another test? The girl claims that I infected her and I am suprised to test negative. I thought all along that I was positive?


Thank you for your question.

The only way to determine that you are HIV positive is through getting an HIV test not through the results of a partner or someone you had unprotected sex with.

Unless I am missing something, but it is unlikely that you infected the person who says that you infected them. Your HIV test results are negative a year after the encounter and her test results have been positive.


  1. sbonelo

    Thank you, I did a rapid test just to confirm and it came out negative again. Now I’m sure it was my blood that was tested in the lab…….thank you for your help.

  2. Charlotte Walker

    It is impossible to predict the chances of this as it depends on so many factors such as the laboratory, their policies and practises, the capacity of the staff, the number of samples they deal with, how they are labelled etc etc.

    If you are worried that a HIV test result is not accurate then the best thing to do would be to have a confirmatory test.

  3. sbonelo

    Hi Sir! Tell me how high are the chances of mixing blood samples at laboratories? Like getting another persons results in your name? Thank you