Q and A


Why can't I get the HIV treatment regime I want?



I am treatment naive with no resistance but with reasonably high numbers. I want to start treatment sooner than later. My preferred option is Truvada/Isentress (raltegravir). Can you please tell me what the position here in the UK is regarding starting on Truvada/Isentress?
My present consultant has said it is not available as a first line treatment. Will this be the same across the UK? If not how could I find out which hospitals are prescribing this combination as a first line treatment.



Thank you for your email.

Isentress (raltegravir) is not currently being offered as a first line treatment in the UK. It is being offered to people who have exhausted their options and have no other treatment left to go on. In the US, however, raltegravir have been offered as first line treatment for sometime now. Please see summary of BHIVA guidelines.

This is an advocacy issue for HIV treatment advocates to take on. I think the issue of what treatment to start on is going to get increasingly difficult as the funding cuts take effect next year.


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