Q and A


Testing question

I had sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me in the UK which was protected, until the condom broke. As soon as i realised i withdrew from the girl, however have developed many problems since.

Week 1 – I went to the GUM clinic after developing a problem while urinating. I was given doxycyline, and told i had some kind of urehthal virus.

Week 2 – I felt very dizzy/had severe mouth problems and went to my local gp, who advised me to stop taking doxycyline and he prescribed me ciproflaxacin. I was taking this for a few days, then started having diarrhea. I phoned the surgery and the doctor told me to stop taking it. Meanwhile my tests from the GUM clinic came back all negative (for any stds and hiv).

Week 3 – Developed a mild flu, and more recently as in today have got pain under my arms. I’m thinking its the lymph nodes. I have been very stressed, and spend all day looking on the internet. I am almost certain I have had most of the ars symptoms (although they have been not altogether), and contracted HIV.

I was stupid to go and see an escort, im relatively young (in my twenties), and spoil the rest of my life.

I wanted to ask about testing. The gum clinic have told me to come back at the three month mark. However, as I have devleoped most of the symptoms already, would the 4 week test advertised at most private clinics be a good indicator of my HIV status?

many thanks for your advice


You are not likely to have HIV. Your risk was negligible if it was a risk at all. Your ‘symptoms’ are more likely to be stress. Don’t beat yourself up just for using a commercial sex worker. you have not ruined your life.

Information on different tests are included here in answer to an earlier question.

I’m not sure if there is added value for private tests – this is your personal choice – if the test offered is an antibody+antigen test, then they are sensitive 4 weeks after exposure. There is no benefit for paying for a PCR (viral load) test as these are expensive and add nothing to the information from the joint antibody+antigen test.


  1. Simon Collins

    The manufacturers of the DUO test say 30 days (one month) is fine, so this sounds fine to me. A bit of diarrhoea is not a symptom for HIV seroconversion.

  2. originalposter


    Many thanks for your help to date, its been really great.

    I have a query, I was tested negative after the DUO test (31 days after exposure). Today is the 32nd and have diarrhea again, and developed a rash under my adams apply area. I just have two questions

    a) my results post 31 days. How reliable are they? After a negative test at this stage what are the chances that this will turn into a positive at 3 months?
    b) the fact that I’ve had symptoms today, is there a chance i might be seroconverting now?

  3. Simon Collins

    Yes, the DUO test looks for p-24 antigen (antigen is a name for foreign viral material) and HIV antibodies (antibodies are a sign of your immune response to HIV).

    This test is accurate 4 weeks after exposure – ie earlier than just an anitbody test.

    Good luck with whatever you decide,

  4. orginalposter

    thanks for your comments. The test advertised is the p24 antigen and HIV 1 and 2 antibodies (HIV DUO). I’m not sure if this is the antibody+antigen test that you talk about or the PCR.