Q and A


What are my chances of testing negative for syphillis, after testing negative for HIV?

Two weeks ago we found out that my husband is HIV positive. Today we also found out he has syphilis. So today, I was tested for syphilis too. I am very worried because I tested negative for HIV. But what are my chances of testing negative for syphilis? If I am positive will I have given it to my 4 year-old when I was carrying him? Please answer asap as I am going out of my mind with worry. thank you


Thank you for your questions. First of all, it is great that you tested negative for HIV and hopefully the news will be as good for the syphillis test.

Although, it must be distressing, I cannot predict your chances of testing negative for syphillis. I am afraid you will have to wait for the test results. In order to address your question, we would have to know when your husband got syphllis, how long he has had it and at what stage during the course of the disease he was diagnosed.

The consolation I can offer at this time, is that at least syphillis is treatable and usually curable. If you need further help after you get your test results, please do come back to us. In the meantime, for more information on syphillis see this NHS page.