Q and A


Is it a blip or are my medicines not working?


I started treatment with Truvada + Isentress (raltegravir) in November 2010 (viral load 60,000 and CD4 570). By 20th January I was undetectable. On 24th March I had another follow up test with a VL of 99 and CD4 of 705. I have never missed a dose. Should I be worried about the medicines not working?


Thank you for your question.

Viral load ‘blips’ are very common. To find out more please read this similar question.

If you find you have a viral load result that is above 50 you need to ask your doctor for another viral load test there and then. The results of this will say whether you are having a blip or not. If the VL is back to undetectable then you are just having a blip. If it continues to increase then you may need to talk to your doctor about why this is happening and about the possibility of resistance.


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