Q and A


Weight loss and hair loss since starting treatment


The main HIV drugs which report hair changes as a side effect, are 3TC (hair loss, not very common, but caused by 3TC for a few people) and indinavir (generally thinning, finer hair).

If you are using either of these drugs, then talk to your doctor about switching them to something else – this is very easy to do.

The weight loss is something you also need to see your doctor about, as if you are eating a well balanced diet, with enough nutrition, it could be related to a different infection.

Without more details about your current treatment, or treatment history, it is difficult to comment. Definitely raise this with your doctor.


  1. pj

    I recently started taking Sustiva and Truvada 3 months ago and in the last 4 weeks my hair has been thinning at an alarming rate. There’s no baldness in my family and my hair has always been very thick. My doctor says that it’s not the side effects but

  2. Simon Collins

    It is more likely to be age and genetics. If the hair loss is dramatic, and occured after you were diagnosed, this could also be stress. Talk to your doctor about this.

    Unless you are using the drugs referred to in the origianl post, it is unlikely to be related to HIV medication, and unlikely to be related to HIV itself.

  3. abbey

    I have recently been diagnosed with HIV and the estimated time I have been HIV-positive is 8/10 years. My concern is that my hair loss is pretty great? Could this be the drug therapy ? or stress? or a symptom of HIV?


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