
Are the CD4 count fluctuations common?

I have recently found out that I am HIV positive. I also contracted Hep B. I have had my bloods done three times now. First time CD4 count was 500, second time 980. However, this third time it has droped back down to 560. I am not on meds yet. Also my viral load has increased from 60,000 to 80,000.

My question is do these fluctuations happen? My doctor told me not to worry. But it’s easier said than done. So I am interested to know if this is common. That CD4 count can go up and down and viral load is the same.


Yes, many people experience this.

The CD4 counts can be affected by many and varied reasons-i.e. stress, time of the day, menstrual cycle, other infections, recent vaccination, lab errors etc.

As your CD4 count is high throughout, you are not at any risk.

A more detailed answer about CD4 changes is here.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zandile, your CD4 count is in a normal range. A healthy range for CD4 count is between 430 and 1690.

    This means that your treatment is working and HIV is being suppressed. When suppressed, HIV will not damage your immune system and your CD4 feels are able to naturally recover. There is no problem with your CD4 count.

    CD4 count:

    Periods will have no effect on your CD4 count.

  2. Zandile


    I am 50yrs and I’ve been taking my ARVs for many years,eat well ,exercise, dont smoke or drink but I went to take blood sample after having my heavy period. And when my result came back the Cd4 count it was very high 1500 . It can be a cause of my periods. Please help .

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lesmex, thanks for sharing. It is good to hear your medication is working so well. What you have mentioned is very important, lead a healthy lifestyle but make sure it is sustainable. CD4 percentage is a much more accurate representation rather than CD4 count. The percentage looks at trends, the count is an absolute number that changes in response to several factors, even the time of day will change it.

  4. Lesmex

    T-Cells (CD4) go up and down. That’s completely normal.

    I am 44 years old.

    I began with only 39 cd4 and 700 000+ copies of HIV.
    Now, after five years under treatment, I have 685 cd4 and always undetectable, or sometimes detectable, but just by 20.

    Take the pill every day (it’s the most important thing to do), eat healthily, keep a healthy weight, avoid too much alcohol, do not do illegal drugs, do not smoke, exercise regularly, take a multivitamin every day and be happy.

    CD4 will go up little by little. It’s expected that sometimes they go down a little bit and go up again.

  5. Simon Collins


    Your CD4 count is the most important test when deciding to start treatment. After three months treatment the CD4 count usually increases for 90% of people. For reasons that are not clear, about 10% of people don’t get such a good early response. It may be that you just need more time, but your doctor should be checking your treatment using a viral load test.

    Do you have access to viral load tests? If so, this will tell you how well your treatment is working. Once you are on treatment, viral load tests are more important than CD4 counts. I know that viral load tests are not available in every country.

    What does your doctor say about these results?

  6. Nosipho

    I started ARVs about 3 months ago and my cd4 count was 273 but now it has dropped to 241. should i be worried or i need to change my medication?


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