Q and A


Will my CD4 increase using ARVs in pregnancy?

My CD4 count is 338 and I am 12 weeks pregnant and I’m on a process of starting ARVs.

Is my CD4 count going to increase before the birth of my child so that i can raise my baby?



Nearly everyone who starts ARVs will get an increase n their CD4 count. Your CD4 counts is already very strong as it is over 300.

The ARVs will reduce your viral load and this will let your CD4 counts slowly increase. ARVs also dramatically increase your life expectancy so you can plan to look after your child until he or she becomes old enough to look after you…

Having a low viral load will also dramatically reduce the risk of passing HIV to your baby.

Congratulations on your pregnancy – I hope everything goes really well.

For other information see the i-Base guide to HIV, Pregnancy and Women’s Health.


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