Q and A


Can I be infected with breast milk?

I had protected sex with woman who I paid to have sex with me. I sucked her nipple and some breast milk enters my mouth. I did not swallow it. I know that HIV can be spread from infected mother to her new born baby but what adult men? What is chance for adult men?


Breats milk do contain very tiny amount of HIV.  Breast milk is infectious to a baby but is unlikely to be infectious to an adult.


  1. Simon Collins

    HIV tests are sensitive to all subtypes. A negative results shows you do not have HIV.

  2. raj

    I had received oral sex with CSW in poland 3 years back.in 2008…from past three months i m feeling evevning rise in temp ( low grade with maximum 99 degrees) sweating in the evening and night ( only right part of head , neck and armpit ) fatiuge , 7 kgs wt lost in first one month. , bad taste in the mouth. I have done all hiv test in INDIA..2 rapid tests ( triline , tridot ) 2 ECLIA , 2 western blot , 1DNA PCR , 1 NAT recently. All negetive..I m HIV infected. BUT not getting diagnosed due to Geographical infection. May be I m infected by subtype prevelent in poland ( D or F) and Getting tested here in India where there is type C prevelent. Is it possible that the test r not responding to the antibodies of other subtypes ? Do test detects all the subtypes of HIV .Plz Help I m in a worry.