Q and A


Can I stay healthy without treatment?

My CD4 count is 219 now . Can I be healthy without treatment?
Kindly advise me.


You can be healthy without treatment in the short term.

However, the only way to maintain a good CD4 count is by taking ARV treatment. Starting treatment before your CD4 count drops to below 200 will protect you from most serious
opportunistic infections. These are illnesses such as pneumonia, which can
develop when your immune system is compromised.

Is there any particular reason why you haven’t started taking treatments
yet? Both the UK and World Health Organisation guidelines recommend starting
treatment with a CD4 count of 350 copies. It is important therefore that you
discuss starting treatments in the near future, with your doctor.

Would you be able to access treatment? And if so, how do you feel about taking ARVs?

For more information on why it’s important to take treatment, please follow
this link to our guide on Introduction to combination therapy.


  1. Angelina Namiba

    There is no real difference between the two.

    The only minor difference between them are the initials. ARV stands for Antiretrovirals and ART stands for Antiretroviral treatment.

    Both are shortened versions that refer to medication used to treat HIV.

  2. Tom8502

    I live in India, and here we have ART Treatment. do u know any thing abt ART Treatment , and i am visiting the Government Hospital as i cant afford a Private Doctor as i am not a great earner, so please tell me what is the difference in ART Treatment and in ARV Treatment……………..


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