Q and A


Can we expect that my brother's CD4 will increase further?

Hi, my brother was diagnosed with AIDS in March 08, his CD4 count was 4, yes 4! at that time and was seriously ill, he somehow recovered from that and now his latest count is 163. Would you say that was good? And what are the chances of his CD4 count going up and up? Is that a possibility?
Thank you.


That is a great news for your brother. It is really difficult to recover the immune system when somebody starts with such a low reading. The lower the result, the more difficult it is to go back to normal.


  1. Anjuna

    Thank you Jay and Clare.
    It’s such a shame that there isn’t a chat or forum on this site. Would so like to talk to someone for some support, as I obviously can’t talk to any of my friends and feel so alone.

  2. david


  3. Clare

    Hi there. I just wanted to send you my well wishes to you and your family. I too found out my brother is HIV+ about 8/9 months ago and I know it can be a very worrying and scary time for everyone! Good luck for the future x

  4. Jay

    I too was diagnosed with a very low CD4 count, have been on meds for just over 6 months and have seen my viral load go undetectable and my CD4 rise, slowly though it may be, but it is. The drugs used today are fantastic, they aren’t pleasent to take


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