Q and A


Is Viramune XR better for my metabolism?

I take Truvada and Viramune XR and have a little higher livercount but it is still within the reference-range. As regard to releasing the drug slower to the body, is XR better for my metabolism?

How much water do I have to dring in a day? Is it more important to drink a lot for liver and kidney?


The new formulation of nevirapine – called prolonged release (PR) in Europe (and extended release or XR in the USA) has potential advantages. This is because the drug levels are more even and better for once-daily dosing.

If your liver enzymes levels are within the normal range this is fine, but it is good to have this regularly monitored.

Drinking plenty of water is always a good thing. Research measuring water loss has shown that we should drink about 1.2 liters of fluid every day to stop us getting dehydrated. This works out to be about six 200ml or eight 150ml glasses, cups or mugs.  All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water, milk and fruit juices are the healthiest.

More information about water please go to this link.


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