Q and A


Several questions on testing and exposure

On looking back at some of the other posts, my question is quite similar, although I’ll ask it anyway, as I have some side questions.

1. Would a rapid insti test at a private UK clinic 4 months after last exposure no matter how serious be conclusive? This test followed 2 HIV duo tests at 4 and 10 weeks (all negative).
2. Do these tests cover all variations of HIV (including Africa)?
3. Will any vaccinations against yellow fever etc. slow down the production of antibodies?
4. Will a combination of HIV or other STDs increase the window period past 3 months?
5. Is the 3 month window period correct for modern tests, I notice some countries like oz say 6-8 weeks.
6. I was tested for all other STDs at 10 weeks (negative) is this conclusive?
To conclude, I had a one off episode in Africa (unprotected oral both ways, and what I’m pretty sure was protected full sex but unsure, because of alcohol even though there was a used condom, so I’m going for worst case senario-unprotected. I have had some muscle and joint pain post 2 months of the event which have carried on for months…I thought I had swollen lymph nodes but the doc couldn’t find any and I’ve also had a tingling sensation on my tongue. these symptoms seem too late for seroconversion and too early for the second stage, so could be anxiety; do you agree???



I’ll be really quick in answering all your questions. If the tests show that you are HIV-negative, then you are HIV-negative and do not need to worry. As for the STDs-same goes there, apart from HepC, which may take longer. Generally speaking,