Q and A


Is this considered a high risk?

If I had unprotected sex with a female (I am male) one time, I do not know her status, but she says that I have nothing to worry about. Is that considered high risk. I was tested after 40 days, and at the health dept., the guy told me that at 40 days, and considering my risk factor that no further testing would be required. Do you agree with this? Do you think that I shoud get another test or should I feel secure in the results of the 40 day rapid test.

thank you so much


Not every sexual intercourse by default leads to an infection. There are many ‘requirements’ for an infection to happen, the most important being the partner to be HIV-positive to start. Once your partner says that you do not need to worry about it, most probably you do not need to worry about it.

I do not know what kind of tests they use in your clinic, hence I cannot really comment on timing of test, etc., but I am sure the lab technician or the person who has done the test know what they are talking about and if they say that 40 days is OK, then perhaps it is. There is more on testing and modes of transmission here.

We advise everybody with an active sexual life to get tested regularly, say every 6 months.