Q and A


What are risks in pregnancy if I am not yet on treatment?

I have been diagnosed with HIV for three months now and I’m scared that i could transmit HIV to my
unborn child. Would that be possible if i havent start treatment yet? worried mom pls help.



The main risk of passing HIV to your baby comes at birth not during the pregnancy.

What has your clinic said to you about starting treatment?

The best option is usually to start a combination of three HIV meds after the first three months of the pregnancy. This is to reduce your viral load down to undetectable at birth. If this happens you can have a natural delivery (ie no C-section).

Some countries use other options so this will depend on where you live.

HIV medicines are very safe for both you and your baby and will mean your baby is more than 98% chance that your baby will not catch HIV.

For more information, see the Guide to HIV and pregnancy at this link:



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