Q and A


My boyfriend is HIV positive. Am I positive too?

My boyfriend just told me yesterday that he is HIV positive.

We used condoms most of the time before we broke up in July. Since April last year we used condoms until we broke up in July.

Is there any chance that I also have HIV? I am so scared to go for a test. I am so stressed I can’t eat,drink or even sleep. I just lost concentration!!!I

I am so worried. Please help.


Firstly, I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time.  I can appreciate how difficult it was to learn of your ex-boyfriend’s  diagnosis. I can appreciate too that you are worried in terms of not knowing what your own status is.

Although it must be difficult to take in your ex-boyfriend’s news, he has at least given you the opportunity to find out about your own status.

You mention that you are scared to go for a test. This is not uncommon, and many people are afraid to test for HIV. However, the only way  you will be able to know what your status is for sure, will be to go for a test. Knowing your status will not only put your mind at ease, it will also enable you to plan what to do next.

Good luck.