Q and A


When is the best time to take Atripla?

I have recently started taking Atripla and have experienced some side effects but I’m worried about what happens if I eat soon after I’ve taken Atripla. How long should I wait before i eat? What are the negative effects of this?


I’m very sorry to hear that you are experiencing some side effects from Atripla.

A similar questions regarding food restriction and the best time to take Atripla is at this link.

For more information on side effects from efavirenz please take a look

The online guide on side effects has more information on efavirenz at this link.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Thulie,

    It is unusual for stocrin (Efavirenz) to cause changes in body shape, but this is possible. The symptoms you have described could be caused by something called lipoatrophy (fat loss). You can read about lipoatrophy in our Side effects guide.

    This is something you should talk to your doctor about. S/he will want to find out what is causing these symptoms. If this is being caused by your medication the doctor may suggest changing to a different drug.

    Can you tell me which other HIV treatments you are taking? Lipoatophy is usually linked to older HIV drugs such as AZT and d4T.

  2. thulie

    Hi. I am staeted stocrin in three mnths now and my legs are paining I can even see veins on my legs so iam concern that soon people will notice that I am on ARV beceause I thing my shape will change like my legs wiil be thin does stocrin have that side effects. THANK YOU


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