Q and A


I am confused about the GUM suggestion, what shall I do?

I had sexual contact with a man over a year ago now, a condom was used, but lately I have been worrying that I could have caught something. I had a rapid HIV test at a private clinic 2 months ago and that was negative, and I also went to a GUM clinic today and had another rapid test which was also negative. However, the lady at the clinic also suggested I have the full sexual health screening which includes another HIV test. Why would she suggest this if the rapid tests are accurate? Also, say if, I had got infected years and years ago and had full blown AIDS, would that still show up as HIV antibodies in my blood? Am so confused…..


First of all, please calm down as you are a bit paranoid.

The medical professional suggests a full STD testing just to be on the safe side and check whether you have any other infection by chance. HIV test is simply a part of it. It is not been suggested on purpose.

The tests detect infection, regardless of what period of the infection they are performed at-initial or full blown AIDS.

So, no worries about HIV infection.