Q and A


Should I be concerned about my CD4 and CD8 percentages?

I am currently taking Reyataz twice a day with one tablet of Norvir in the morning and one tablet Truvada in the evenings.

My last blood test in February showed an undetectable viral load and a T cell count of 401. However, my CD4 percentage is 12% and CD4/CD8 ratio is 18%. My CD8 percentage is 70%. CD8 absolute count is 2,247.

I have been on the current regimen since December of 2011.

My doctor says not to worry about any other number other than the viral load and
the T cell count. Would you agree?

Also, any thoughts as to why the cd4 per cent and cd4/cd8 ratio remains stubbornly low?

I thank you for your time.


Your doctor has given you good advice because, generally, your CD4 count is a good measure of how your immune system is doing (whether it is strong or getting weaker). However, CD4 counts can flactuate (vary) as they are affected by a number of factors. These include the time of day the test is done, what you have eaten or whether you have other infections.

In addition to CD4 count therefore, CD4 percentage (CD4%) is a second test for measuring your immune system. CD8 % and CD8 absolute counts are sometimes reported, but these are not as important.

For more detailed information on CD4 cells; CD4:CD8 ratios and CD4 percentage, please follow this link to an earlier question

It is good that you have achieved an undetectable viral load so soon after starting your current combination. Can I ask what treatment you were taking before or is this your first combination? Can I also ask if there is a particular  reason why you are splitting the doses? (taking Reyataz and Norvir in the morning and Truvada in the evening).

Your second question is why your CD4% has remained low. Do you know what it was before this most recent test? One reason why it is low could be because your immune system is taking time as it slowly gets stronger.

Best wishes


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