Q and A


Starting with a low or high viral load…

I’m a 55 year old Black male, and my viral load has been low for the past 6 years. My CD4 T-cell count has varied between 265 and 375. Are the treatments the same for me as for someone with a high viral load and low CD4 T-cell count? In other words would I require a group of meds or just one?


Generally speaking, first line combinations are the same for any viral load or CD4 count. Unless your viral load is high (over 100,000), then CD4 count is the more important test for deciding when to start treatment.

Even with a lower viral load, you will still be recommended to use a combination of three drugs. In the UK and in the US the guidelines for starting treatment are fairly similar, as are the choices for treatment. (I’m not sure if you are in the UK or another country?)

Although there are a few small studies looking at whether Kaletra (a protease inhibitor) can be used as a single drug to treat HIV, the results from using 3 different drugs have been studied in much larger numbers of people, and are therefore more reliable.

Also, many 3-drug combinations involve taking fewer pills and fewer doses, than taking Kaletra as a single drug.

In summary – three drugs are important, even if you are starting treatment with a low viral load.

Please let me know if you’d like more feedback or if we can help again in the future.


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