Q and A


Where can I access support in Scotland?

I am supporting a family member who has been diagnosed HIV+. Are there any organisations in Scotland that can provide me with support?



Thank-you for your question. There are many organisations providing support for people living with HIV. But sometimes the family and friends of positive people also need support. Many organisations also provide this.

In Scotland the main service providers are Waverly Care and THT. They have recently joined together on a project called Positive Scotland. They provide support to people infected or affected by HIV. These services can either be accessed through their offices sometimes on an outreach basis, where support workers can meet with you nearer to your home or in a location which is easier for you.

You can find more information about the project on the Waverly Care, Positive Scotland page. There are email addresses there, and telephone numbers. If you would prefer contact details of a specific person, who would be happy to speak with you, please let me know and I will put you in touch with one of the support workers known by i-Base.


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