Q and A


I am pregnant and on ARVs. What's causing the rash on my tummy?

I am HIV positive, pregnant and taking ARVs.

I have a rash on my tummy.

What can I do?


Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy. Can I ask what ARVs (antiretroviral treatment for HIV) you are taking?

I am sorry that you are experiencing a rash on your tummy. As with any symptoms, the best way to confirm what is causing the rash, is to see your doctor. S/he will be able to confirm whether it is a side effect of the ARVs, or whether it is due to something else.

You may also find it useful to read our guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide answers a lot of other general questions you may have around HIV and pregnancy.

Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy.


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