Q and A


Can I get infected from scissors?

Dear Sirs,
I am so sorry to bother you so many times this year.
I am really scared that I can get HIV from normal situations.
Last month I went to a barber shop and the barber cut slightly my ear with the scissors. There was a small scratch.
I always wonder and worry about these following questions:
1. Can HIV survive on the scissors for 15 minutes to infect me?
2. The barber took absorbent cotton to clean my blood. If the barber had some of her blood on her hand and this blood (her blood) gets in contact with the scratch on my ear (was bleeding too), can I get HIV if she was a positive woman?
I know that I should worry so much, but I really cannot do anything now. I always think about that.
Thank you so much for your time.


Getting infected that way is highly improbable, I would say close to zero.

It may be a good idea to contact a clinical psychologist or counsellor for your anxiety.


  1. Svilen Konov

    You cannot compare the 2 situations. The blood in the syringe comes directly from a vein and is contained in a closed medium-the syringe. In addition, you do not even know whether the person is positive at all.
    I’d suggest you contact the organisation, the contact details of which are published at the following link and discuss your anxieties. I am sure they will be able to help you: http://www.aidsmap.com/cms1038348.asp?entityId=695E8D9A-95A1-4317-9099-39AE4EAD908C

  2. hoangbactran

    Thank you for your reply.
    I still don’t understand