Q and A


My CD4 is 501 but I'm worried that I'm WHO 'stage 2'

Thank you for this site, it is very helpful.

I have previously read that having HIV is not in itself a cause of having more recurrent or lasting common diseases like a cold or the flu.
However, the WHO HIV disease staging states the following:

Stage I: HIV disease is asymptomatic and not categorized as AIDS.

Stage II: include minor mucocutaneous manifestations and recurrent upper respiratory tract infections.

Stage III: includes unexplained chronic diarrhea for longer than a month, severe bacterial infections and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Stage IV: includes toxoplasmosis of the brain, candidiasis of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi or lungs and Kaposi's sarcoma; these diseases are used as indicators of AIDS.

I ask this because I have been having recurrent mild symptoms related to my upper respiratory tract, such as blocked nose and ears and sore throat for a couple of months now, and they come and go. I am afraid I am indeed progressing into ‘Stage 2’. I was diagnosed 6 months ago and I understand it is common to feel paranoid, but I just felt very scared when I saw this ‘staging list’. I am not currently in treatment.

My data is the following:
6 months ago: CD4 689, CD% 26, VL 1000
3 months ago: CD4 501, CD% 24, VL 3000


I’m sorry to hear that the WHO clinical staging has caused you more stress. These guidelines have been designed for settings where people don’t have access to regular CD4 testing. This is to help medics in poor countries get an idea of the immune status of their patients when these tests aren’t available. The WHO staging guidelines still say though that CD4 counts are more useful measures of the immune system. The WHO recommendation is to start treatment when the CD4 is less than 350.

The WHO data that you’ve sent me looks like it’s come from the Wikipedia page. Although Wikipedia is great for a quick outline of information it doesn’t give you the whole story. If you take a look at the WHO staging system these are the full stage 2 clinical symptoms:

Clinical stage 2

  • Moderate unexplained weigh loss (<10% of presumed or measured body weight)
  • Recurrent respiratory tract infections (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media and pharyngitis)
  • Herpes zoster
  • Angular cheilitis
  • Recurrent oral ulceration
  • Papular pruritic eruptions
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  • Fungal nail infections

You can get the WHO guidelines from their website

It’s really understandable that you’re worried but your CD4 count is still very strong. This means your immune system is still strong. The symptoms you are experiencing are very unlikely to be related to your HIV. If you’re worried you can talk to your doctor about these.

I hope this helps put your mind at ease. Please do let me know if you have any further questions or need help with anything else!


  1. Angelina Namiba

    Jambo Florence
    It’s great that you are maintaining a positive outlook on life after your diagnosis. I can appreciate your frustration at not being able to find an HIV positive man with the qualities you describe. To be honest with you, finding a man with the qualities you describe can be pretty hard, wherever you live.
    I can also understand that you want to find someone you can identify with. Many people living with HIV choose to be with positive partners. This is because, for many, this removes, amongst others, the issue of having to disclose your status. However, there are also plenty of positive people who are in happy and fulfilling sero-different relationships. (This is where one partner is positive and other is not). With the wonderful qualities you have, you will hopefully find your prince charming soon.
    In the meantime though, you may find it helpful to contact support groups for people living with HIV. Many have found support groups invaluable in reducing isolation. Some people have even found future partners at groups. For information on support groups in your area, please contact WOFAK (Women Fighting AIDS in Kenya). Their helpline number is: 0722725967 or 0733722823. You can also contact them on:www.wofak.or.ke
    Good luck with your future plans.

  2. florence

    i discovered that i was hiv positive last year and am trying to leave a positive life.However getting a hiv positive guy who is middle class and above in kenya is turning out to be quite a headache. Not that am a snob but I want a guy I can identify with .I am 23 and have just finished my degree in communication and meda.I feel lonely and need a wholesome relashionship with a king ,generous ,tall and sensitive man who has a positive attitude can you help.


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