Q and A


Is my rash caused by Atripla?

Dear Doctor,
I started my HIV treatment four weeks ago (with a CD4 of 157). During this time I have been taking Atripla without any serious side effects.
However, yesterday I woke up with a rash on my chest and arms (mild/moderate). My question is:
How likely is it that this rash is due to Atripla, being it started after 4 weeks of treatment?
Should I think to switch the medication?


Firstly, I’d like to confirm that we are HIV positive treatment advocates, not doctors.

Atripla contains the 3 drugs efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC. Studies have shown that up to 20% of people using efavirenz can experience mild to moderate rash in the first few weeks of starting treatment. It is possible, therefore, that the rash could be due your medication.

For most people the rash disappears over the next few weeks. How long the rash lasts and how severe it gets is different for individuals. Less than 5% of people stop the treatment and less than 1% get a severe rash. It is important that you report this to your doctor in the next day or so, as the rash can sometimes lead to serious reactions.

Your second question was whether you should think about switching your medication. This will depend on a number of factors including how severe the rash is and whether it is actually caused by your treatment.

As with any symptoms, the best way to confirm what is causing them will be to see your doctor. S/he will be then be able to either treat the rash, if it is mild and can be treated, or advice you to switch medication if it is appropriate to do so.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sissy,

    It sounds good that you’ve started HIV treatment. But please see your doctor about your symptoms and your rash.

    If you have just started Atripla your rash should be checked by your doctor in case you’re having a reaction to the meds. If you are, you can ask to switch to other meds that will be better for you to take.

  2. Sissy

    I’m Hiv i have 3-4 weeks have started using treatment. I after taking treatment i become dizzy, my face become hot, feeling nausea the following day and i have developed itchy, painful rash after 4 weeks


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