Q and A


Are my styes caused by HIV?

I was diagnosed about 6 months ago. My CD4 is around 500, VL 2000 and CD4% 25%. Not on treatment yet.

My questions is regarding styes.

Last month I developed a really bad stye on my left eye for which I had to get antibiotics. It eventually healed but now I feel like I’m getting a new stye on my right eye.


Thank-you for your question. I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, do you have any support to deal with finding out you are HIV positive?

Your CD4 count is very good. This is a measure of the immune system and a ‘normal’ CD4 count in somebody without HIV is between 400-1600. Because this is high it means that your immune system is still working well. This means that you shouldn’t be at higher risk of infections than before you were infected with HIV.

So it’s unlikely that the styes you are experiencing are linked to HIV. It’s not impossible though and if you continue to experience these you should talk to your doctor.


  1. Ler

    Thank you for the answer.


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