Q and A


Is there something wrong with my CD4 results?

I recieved a call from my ID doc today. From what he told me, I began to doubt whether things are not going well. He told me that it’s OK though. These are my past results:
27/12/07-CD4 20, VL 1000000
10/4/08-CD4 86 VL 63
1/7/08-CD4 186 VL undect.
16/10/08-CD4 196 VL undect.
Then during September 2008 I was diagnosed with latent TB which my ID doc said it was pulmonary tubercolsis. I was put on a nomal dose of TB medication for two months and reduced it after two months. My results were CD4 248 VL 21. My question was, why my CD4 is still not going up? IS it because of the TB medications or because of anxiety disorder? Moreover, my percentage before was 15% and today my doc said it’s 12%. So, what is the problem?


Actually, from your message I understand that you had an increase of the CD4 count. From 196 to 248, which by every standard will be considered a fairly good increase, keeping in mind that you have started treatment with fairly low results in the beginning (20).

The problem with the CD4 count is that the lower they are when you start the ART, the more difficult usually it is to regain the proper function of your immune system. This is also one of the reasons (among some others) why some of the current guidelines say that people should start when their CD4 count is nearer 350.

As for the percentage-it is not wonderful and it may make sense to check the total lymphocytes and the white blood cells to check whether they have fluctuated, as this could explain the reduction of the %.


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