Q and A


Why has my viral load decrease slowed down?

I was diagnosed with HIV in July this year. My viral load was 700,000. I had cd4 count of 306. The specialist started my medication immediately.

In September my viral load dropped to 3100. I got myself tested again 4 days back and I had a cd4 count of 530 and viral load of 262.

From July till September my viral load dropped drastically (as u can see). But from September till November the viral load has dropped from 3100 to 260 which is not as significant as it was before.

Is there anything for me to worry about?

I have been taking my medication regularly. Since I travel a lot between India and UK , I have to adjust my time for taking the pill.
Also, I still have protected sex.



Thanks for your question.

This is a good response to treatment, and your viral load decreases are very normal. As is explained in this previous question viral loads drop most quickly in the first few weeks of treatment. After the first drop viral load decreases are generally slower.

Most people have an undetectable viral load (under 50) after 3 months on treatment. But for some people this can take a bit longer. You would expect your viral load to be undetectable at your next test.

It is important to try to keep to the same time when taking your medication, especially in the first few months of treatment. An hour or so either side of your normal time is probably OK but you don’t want to regularly be extending this much further. If your viral load hasn’t gone below 50 at your next test you may need to be stricter with the time you take your meds to try to achieve this.

Having protected sex doesn’t affect your CD4 count or viral load.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Velda, you both have suppressed viral loads. Any viral load below 200 is considered undetectable.

    There is no clinical difference between someone who has a viral load of 56 and another who is undetectable.

  2. Velda

    Why is my viral load underdectable n my partner’s is 56 n we are having unprotected sex

  3. Chris

    I also started treatment with a very high VL (1.6 million) and it took almost a year for my VL to become undetectable, but it’s been there ever since, so try not to worry.


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