Q and A


Do melanotan injetions interfere with my ARVs?


There are 2 types of melanotan. Melanotan 1 (I), also known as afamelanotide and melanotan 2.

Currently, both of those are in clinical studies for different skin conditions.

Unless you are not in a clinical study, you should not use the product that you may be able to buy from the internet. This is because the Irish Medicines Board (IMB), as well as the Norwegian regulatory body issued a precautionary safety alert on February 27, 2009 regarding the use of “the unauthorised medicine Melanotan (I and II)”, sold as a powder for injection, stating that “Melanotan is not authorised in Ireland and therefore the IMB cannot guarantee the efficacy, safety or quality of this product.”

As of 2009, it is not authorised anywhere in the EU either, apart from clinical trials.

Hence the internet stuff may be dangerous.


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