Q and A


Why isn’t my CD4 increasing?

Hi there, I wonder if you can help me.

I had seroconversion illness in May 2010.

I went to the hospital and have never felt so ill with the symptoms (being sick, night sweats etc) etc. They sent me home saying it was a bug. After a few days it continued so I went back where I was tested for an array of illnesses. To my shock I found that one of the hiv tests had come back +ve and the other two negative and was told to go back in 6 weeks for another one.

I did and was told I had hiv. After getting my head around it all I started to see a HIV consultant who took bloods etc to find out what was going on, I was reassued that I was going to be fine as I had been caught straight after seroconversion and some people dont get picked up.

My CD4 was in the lowest part of the dip (around 229) and was told it would recover for a while before I would need to go on meds. I was closely monitored for a few months and my CD4 contined to be around 250-300 (15%) and viral load was dropping. My consultant told me that it was their opinion that I should start meds as although my viral load was decreasing from 1millon copies to 50k my CD4s were not recovering.

I did and started sustiva and truvada, after 4 months I had reached undetectable and I was so made up. The next part i was told as there was very little virus going around my CD4 count would bounce back. I have now been on meds and been lucky enough to have no side effects for 30 months now and I have NEVER missed taking them before going to bed as I have read all about importance of adherence.

My CD4 range from 320 to 280 at 30% each test. My question is really I have read many people reach the magic +500 cd4 counts and wonder after the seroconversion illness I started meds 4 months later and then another four months later was undectectable. Is there an explanation why they have not climbed also I have read that the percentage relates to a count also and that a percentage of 30% is around 500 as CD4s fluctuate day to day.



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about the difficult seroconversion you experienced, but I’m glad to hear that you had such a good response to treatment.

The main aim of treatment is to get an undetectable viral load. This means that the virus isn’t able to replicate and infect new cells. Usually a CD4 count increase does follow. But there are a few people who don’t see a CD4 count increase on treatment.

Unfortunately the reasons for this aren’t well understood. It may be that you have a naturally lower CD4 count than most- the ‘normal’ range for CD4 counts without HIV is 400-1600, but a few people can be above or below this.  Your CD4 percentage is higher than usual for this CD4 count, which suggests that you have a good proportion of CD4 cells in comparison to other immune cells.

Although it’s easier said than done, try not to focus too much on your CD4 count results. So long as your health is good, and your viral load remains undetectable, it is unlikely that this is anything to worry about.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrew,

    Are you based in the UK?

  2. Andrew

    O was diagnosed hiv Oct 2012 my cd4 was 7 viral load 1.9million/billion can’t remember but I was very I’ll.
    Now in Jan 2020 I’m viral undetectable 21% cd4 280
    I have tried to get life insurance through an hiv specialising insurance company and got a call back saying the guy rang as many insurance companies to insure me but because my cd4 is 280 they won’t touch me when though I don’t smoke or drink no hepatitis diagnosing and I’m pretty much healthy and fit. He said the bench Mark for cd4 is 350 I could not believe my ears. I snapped a negative person is anywhere from 400 upwards and u thought 21% cd4 280 was very good so I’m told. I started from 7 in 2012 so if I’m to go for a mortgage is this going to affect me because you need life insurance/mortgage insurance

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Yak, my colleague did answer your question on 20/3/13 here. Did you see that response? Your doctors should explain why it is taking so long to get your result- have they given you an explanation?

  4. Yak

    I have not got response since on 20/3/2013 when I ask; why delay on my viral load test result which I since on 21/12/2012 and yet my Doctors keep telling my result is still not out? Is that my viral copies are high and my Doctors are afraid of telling me even while I was told my CD4 is 262?


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