Q and A


Will the yellowing of my eyes disappear?

I started meds back in May: Norvir Reyataz and Truvada, once a day. Apart from some tiny yellowing in the eyes, I have no side effects and my results are good, so far.

Will the yellowing go away? Is this combination good? Any long term side efects I might expecrience or something I should look out for?



The best way to approach this is to talk to your doctor about a TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)-it is a blood test that shows what amount of the medicine you have in your blood and whether you have enough or too high concentration to inhibit the replication of the virus. There is more information on TDM here.

In case the concentration is higher, then the dose can be changed appropriately or you may switch to unboosted atazanavir, which quite often leads to complete disappearance of the yellowing. There is some detailed information on this issue here.

The combination that you are on is fairly regularly used nowadays and atazanavir (Reyataz) is one of the easiest protease inhibitors to take. It is known that it is milder on the lipids, compared to some other PIs and this is a good news.

As for long-term side effects, we advise to contact your doctor at any point when you have a suspicion that there is something wrong with your body or you experience any health problem. This is also a precaution for any not-known until now side effect.

Hope this helps.


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