Q and A


Why is my CD4 going up and down?

Hello doctor..

I am HIV+ for two years. I am not on medicine.

First CD4 was 603, after 2nd CD4 was 1090,

My third CD4 was 955, my fourth cd4 was 921, and my last latest CD4 is 1132.

What is the reason behind my CD4 count up and down?

Why my CD4 ups and downs?



Thanks for your email. Please be aware that advocates at i-Base are not doctors and we have no formal medical training. Information provided by i-Base should be used to inform discussions with your doctors about your HIV treatment.

Your CD4 counts are all very good. It’s very normal for CD4 counts to fluctuate (go up and down). All sorts of things can influence this- including the time of day, whether you have recently exercised, if you have any other infections and if you have eaten.

It is actually very unlikely that you ever get two results the same, so they will usually be a bit higher or lower each time. Your current results show that your CD4 count is still strong and this means your immune system is doing well.

If you think your were recently infected (within six months of when you were diagnosed) then this could explain why your CD4 count increased so much between the first and second tests.

There is more information about CD4 counts here.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Evodia,
    Please can you tell me a bit more about your situation so I can answer your question?

    Can you tell me when you stopped taking your treatment, and why you decided to do this? Do you know what your CD4 count is? And have you discussed this with your doctor?

    This information will help me to give you a personal response based on your circumstances.

  2. Evodia

    I want to know what will happed to me i have stop my treatment


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