Q and A


What shall my boyfriend do about his dermatologist appointment?

My partner started Sustiva+Truvada last December and subsequently switched to Atripla. When he was diagnosed with HIV last November his CD4 count was 155 and his viral load was around 20,000. He has, for the past few years, suffered with unsightly stubborn warts and verucas. His CD4 is now 377 and he has been undetectable for months. He tried freezing his warts and using wart paint. This did not work so he stopped, however in the last 2 months these warts have miraculously just disappeared! Is this because his immune system is recovering? He has an appointment to see a dermatologist and he is wondering whether it should be cancelled now?

Any advice would be appreciated and thank you for your wonderful web site.


There are many reasons that could have affected the warts and the improvement of the immune system could have been one of the explanations of why they disappeared.

Perhaps, however, it still makes sense to visit the dermatologist, as he/she may advise on how to avoid their reappearance in the future.


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