Q and A


What’s the difference between a CD4 of 788 and 399?

My first CD4 count was 788 and my latest is 399.

I am not on ARVs.

What is the difference between these two CD4 counts? Please tell me doctor.



Thanks for your email. First of all, please be aware that advocates at i-Base are not doctors and we have no formal medical training. Information from i-Base should be used to inform conversations with your doctor or clinic.

It is normal for CD4 counts to decline over time without ARVs. Can you tell me when your first CD4 count and the latest were taken?

Both these CD4 counts are good, but it is a good idea to start getting ready to take ARVs as most countries recommend treatment when your CD4 count falls to 350 or below.

You can read more about CD4 counts and treatment recommendations in our guide to starting treatment here.


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