Q and A


Is a CD4 of 311 on treatment OK?

I have been HIV+ for 10 years.

I have been on ARVs for four years.

My last CD4 count was 311 and viral load was 50.

I have no other problems.

What is my immuntu?

Is 311 a good number?



Thanks for your email.

Can you tell me what your CD4 count was when you first started treatment? Has it increased from a lower level?

A CD4 count of 311 is pretty good and means that your risk of developing any opportunistic infections or illnesses is very low. Being on treatment means that this risk os even lower than if your CD4 count was this level without treatment.

When you are on treatment the most important test result is your viral load. When this is 50 or below we call this ‘undetectable’. This means that treatment is working well for you and the HIV is being controlled. It is great that your viral load is at this level.

I’m sorry but I don’t know what you mean by immuntu, please can you explain this?


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nhlanhla, no you do not need to be worried. Taking treatment 15-30 minutes late is not going to risk your treatment nor working. It is best to find a time at which you can take t every day to avoid being later, but occasionally being early/late by up to 30 minutes is not a problem.

  2. Nhlanhla

    Hi again I think the results of viral load I will receive it now cos I tasted again ,so the other thing that worries me I noticed that the time I drink my treatment late may be 15 to 30 mins ,so it won’t cause the problem? I am confuse and scared please help, but I drink my treatment everyday is that this 15 to 30 mins late it worries me cos I tested again I DNT know what will the result outcome I am waiting

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nonhlanahla, yes it is okay to start treatment. When someone tests positive for HIV people should be offered treatment immediately. Even if you are not feeling ill, starting treatment will prevent HIV impacting your health before you do start to feel unwell. A CD4 count is below the healthy range which is 430-1690. Treatment will suppress the HIV in your body and allow your body to recover its CD4 count. If you are not HIV positive there is no risk to taking treatment. A CD4 count of 311 is suggestive of HIV. have you had viral load testing?

  4. Nonhlanhla

    My first test of my CD4 is 311 and I like to know is ok to start treatment,I’m asking because they told me I have to start drink arv treatment is it possible ,I wasn’t sick ,and I am fine ,is it possible that I am Hiv if my CD4 is 311 ,what will happen if I drink treatment if I’m not HIV pls help me before to avoid mistakes


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