FAQs from South Africa

i-Base receives lots of questions from HIV positive people in South Africa. This page highlights some of the most commons questions South Africans ask us.

  1. I am pregnant. When do I start taking ARV’s?
  2. Are generics the same as brand-name drugs?
  3. How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?
  4. Will “immune boosters” help my CD4 count?
  5. Is it safe to take alcohol with my HIV medication?
  6. How can I be negative when my partner is positive?
  7. I am a positive woman, can I have a baby?
  8. I am a positive man, can I have a baby?
  9. Why do I have pain and tingling in my hands and feet?
  10. My body shape has changed – Body changes (lipodystrophy) FAQs

Please follow this link for more questions from South Africa

If your question is not answered here, please ask your question online and we will be happy to answer it.

Last updated: 1 June 2022.