What can I do if my ARVs are running out?
15 September 2014. Related: Access to treatment, All topics, Southern Africa.
i’m HIV positive and my problem is that i was using an ARVs that i’ve used to collect in Pretoria clinic and now they are nearly finished. Before then i’ve transferred my file from Daveyton to Pretoria because i was moving to Pretoria location.
Now i came back to Daveyton and they said i can’t get another transfer and i don’t have enough money to go and collect my ARVs in Pretoria. Even here in Daveyton they refuse to give me a meds without file. I don’t know what to do.
Please help me or must i go to another clinic and start afresh from the tests?
If you are having trouble with your clinic(s), perhaps try contacting the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa who could offer more practical advice.
If the clinic is saying you have to register again to get treatment, then is may be important to start doing this asap. I am sorry that I can’t help with more specific information.
i-Base are a treatment information project based in the UK and so we only comment in detail about UK services.
Hi Noah, thanks. These are good questions and I am sorry I do not know the answer. Perhaps aks you local pharmacy if it is possible to buy generic meds with a private prescription. Importing meds after buying them online might be possible, but some countries do not allow medicines to be imported this way and stop them at customs.
At the moment, most people hope that funding will continue for HIV meds.
What about like now if government runs out of arvs where can we buy because i have my own money to buy. Is it possible to buy from another country using my cards which i was using already?
Hi Less, can I ask why you never started treatment? Have you had any viral load/CD4 tests?
When did you test positive? and how has your health been since?
This is a guide about starting treatment:
Starting treatment can be scary and it can feel daunting as it is a lifelong treatment. But being on treatment can suppress HIV and prevent it having an effect on your health. It would even mean that you would be unable to pass on HIV to someone else.
hey i was denose wth the virus bt never went for treatment
Hi Chris, as i-base is a UK based charity I do not have information about further access sites in SA. TAC is a charity similar to i-based based in SA. They will have more suitable information.
You can contact them here:
Hello, Where can l get ARVs in Mtata Easterncape, besides government clinics or hospital. Or maybe a Non governmental organization or charity that can help me l have run out of my arvs. I have got my clinic book that states the type of arv l take.