
What can I do if my ARVs are running out?

i’m HIV positive and my problem is that i was using an ARVs that i’ve used to collect in Pretoria clinic and now they are nearly finished. Before then i’ve transferred my file from Daveyton to Pretoria because i was moving to Pretoria location.

Now i came back to Daveyton and they said i can’t get another transfer and i don’t have enough money to go and collect my ARVs in Pretoria. Even here in Daveyton they refuse to give me a meds without file. I don’t know what to do.

Please help me or must i go to another clinic and start afresh from the tests?



If you are having trouble with your clinic(s), perhaps try contacting the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa who could offer more practical advice.

If the clinic is saying you have to register again to get treatment, then is may be important to start doing this asap. I am sorry that I can’t help with more specific information.

i-Base are a treatment information project based in the UK and so we only comment in detail about UK services.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yvonne, are you able to contact your previous clinic and have them send over a letter? Do you have any records yourself that show what treatment you have used previously?

    Has this clinic offered to do any testing e.g., viral load and CD4 count? Who are you speaking with at the clinic to try and access treatment?

  2. Yvonne

    Hi.ive bn without my ARVs for almost 2 years,i tried several clinics to get treatment but they want a refferal letter,I last got my treatment in Pretoria,I am in Cape Town now,unexpectedly.Im starting to get very sick,expecially my private parts,Pls i need help

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yuna, unfortunately i-base is a UK based charity. I do not have the information you are after. TAC is an organisation similar to i-base based in SA. They would be more suitable to contact:

  4. Yuna

    I was taking ARVS from 2017 in khayamandi clinic then relocate to klapmuts now they just give me only date not Medication,where can I buy ARVs in Paarl because now I don’t have and the date they give me is very far

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tholong, i-base is UK based. I do not have information regarding private medication costs. As you are looking to receive private treatment, are you able to ask the doctor how much this treatment will be?

  6. Tholang

    Hi I want to take my ARvs from a private doctor.. how much will my cost be per month

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Buli, how many ARvs do you have left and when will you be able to collect more? Contacting TAC: is a charity similar to i-base in SA that may be able to offer more suitable advise on how to access more treatment in the mean time. If you are unable to do this, are you able to go to a hopsital to get more treatment?

  8. Buli

    Hi I left my arvs in eastern cape now it’s finished what can i do..
    I only have my card proving

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thando, as i-base is a UK based charity I am unsure of access in SA. TAC is a charity similar to i-base based in SA which will be able to offer more appropriate advice:

    What HIV treatment do you take and how many days will you be without it?

  10. Thando

    Good day I’m running out of medication of which the clinic I was using is in Mdantsane NU7. I moved to Queenstown due to work now my clinic book is still in NU7 for me to collect or be transferred to Queenstown. What can I do I’ll be out of medication this weekend


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