Q and A


My 12 year old son has just been diagnosed…

Hi, I just find out that my 12 year old son is HIV positive.

I’m still scared for him to take on treatment.

What do I do?



HIV treatment (ART) in 2016 is very safe and effective.

It works for children as well as adults.

ARTworks by reducing the levels of HIV in your blood to tiny amounts. This allows your immune system to become stronger and can stop you from getting ill.

Nearly everyone who is HIV positive will need treatment at some time. You, your son, and your doctor can discuss the best time to start treatment.

You can ask if discussions can take place over several visits to make sure you both know about the meds and the best way to take them.

The guide at this link has lots more information about ART.


  1. Thulani

    Sibusiso, I will recommend you visit a doctor or clinic so you can get help. Better be early than regret. No one can make diagnosis without proper tests. These conditions are common.

  2. Simon Collins

    I am sorry but we cannot help with this question. As with most symptoms, this is something to talk to your doctor about.

  3. sibusiso

    i am expriencing stomach sore and iching skin with bleeding gums wat can it be and my stomach stop for a while and start again


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