Q and A


Can I expect any more serious reactions from my new meds?

Can I expect any more serious reactions from my new meds?

I have had HIV for approx 15 years and just recently began treatment, my CD4 was still 650 and my VL 300, however I want to try for a baby with my HIV neg husband and so began treatment.

On day 9 of Atripla I experienced a severe rash, 24 hours later it was so bad that the doctors switched me immediately to Truvada, atazanavir and ritonavir. Im starting to heal from the rash but am worried about a delayed reaction to the new drugs. (I felt fine on Atripla for the first week…)

Am I likely to have an allergic reaction from these new drugs if I had one to the other type

Does this mean that I will be drug resistant to all of the other NNRTs since they switched efavirenz out? And does this mean that my medication options have been limited?



I am sorry that you had a severe reaction to Atripla.

It is very good that your doctor changes you to another combination.

Most of these sorts of side effects occur early, so if you are doing well with the new drugs this is a good thing. Your routine montioring will look for any other long term problems.

Because the rash was severe, this would be a caution to not use other drugs form the NNRTI class. They might still be fine, but this is a caution if you have other choices.

Also, there will be other drugs you can use if you need them.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anna,

    The current guidelines from the World Health Organisation are, that if a woman is on treatment then they can breastfeed their babies. Therefore, what your doctor has told you is true. For more info, please see the following link:


  2. Anna

    I knew that I was HIV positive when I was 4 months pregnant. I started talking treatment then. My baby born he was HIV negative so my doctor said I can breastfeed him for six months. I’m always worried that this infection can infect him.


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