Q and A


Can I use supplements if I am gaining weight on Stibild?

Hi there,

I am taking Stribild and i feel like getting fatter, especially at belly and cheeks.

I’m going to the gym but i dont see any difference so i want to try to some fat burners.

Can i use CLA or l-carnitine or both of them or are there any interractions with Stribild?



Most people put on weight over the first 6 months on treatment.

This is usually a healthy sign. If this is more thant you want, then diet and exercise are the best ways to try to control this.

Weight loss supplements are not recommended – becasue they are not a good way to loose weight.

Muscle building supplemnst are okaym but you need to tell you doctor about this. This is because creatine will affect the results of your kidney monitoring tests – especially as Stribild includes tenofovir.


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