Q and A


My husband and I are on HIV meds, can we have children?

Me and my husband where diagnosed with HIV, but we want to have a baby. Can we do this naturally?

We take our medication and we normally have sex without a condom 2 or 3 times in a month. Are we putting each other at risk by doing this?

Also, how long does it take to fall pregnant if we are on medication?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, it is okay for you to have children. It is also very safe to do this naturally.

Neither you nor you partner is at risk from this if you both have an undetectable viral load on treatment.

For more info about HIV and pregnancy, including on how to become pregnant, please see this guide:

Your doctor should also be able to help, in terms of information about which days in the month are better for you to become pregnant.

I can’t say how long will it take to become pregnant because this varies for different couples. However, being on meds does not affect the time it will take.

Good luck


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Daniel, it sounds like the second alboratory test is the right one. However, the doctor or clinics where the tests were taken need to also explain the results.

  2. Daniel

    My girlfriend partner has been tested positive,but I tested negetive for a year now but my first test the doctor told me I’m positive but as I do test to another two clinics the doctors told me am negetive,so which one cuold i belive?


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